Summer 2015

                                                 Lucas J Anderson

                                                 Lucas J Anderson

As the days get longer and the sun bakes all to a crisp, allow our latest issue to provide a few delightful shivers to remind you that soon enough the day will be claimed by the night, as well as the things that lurk within.


Amy Giacalone

featuring illustrations by Ebeneeza K.

J.T. Glover

“The Doubtful Wonderland”

Steve Toase

“Fold” and “Masks”

Gwendolyn Kiste

“The Backyard Transplant”

Kathryn Kulpa 

“Under the Skin”

Kim Winternheimer

“Little Wolf”
featuring illustrations by Borja Cabada


Karen Greenbaum-Maya

"Lives of the Poets, part 2"

Karen M. McKinley

“Children Spies”

Charles P. Newton and A. de Cuit


Tony Trigilio

“Inspired by the restless dead of Collinsport” and “Love, American style” 

Beverly Komoda

“Our Pet”



Asia Kelly


Our Summer 2015 cover image is by Lucas J Anderson. An admirer of Edward Gorey’s work since childhood, Yarmouth native Lucas J Anderson is a graduate of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. A designer, illustrator, & portrait artist, he currently resides with his wife in Watertown, MA. See more of his work at